Pharmacy Board of Australia - English language skills registration standard
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English language skills registration standard

December 2024

Ahpra and National Boards (except for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia) have published advance copies of the revised Registration standards: English Language Skills (the ELS standards). These include:

  • the Common English language skills standard which applies to all applicants for initial registration in Chinese medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical, medical radiation, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology, and
  • the Nursing and Midwifery ELS standard, which applies to all applicants for initial registration as enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives.

Advance copies of the ELS standards are available on the Ahpra website. Please note that the 2015 ELS standards will remain current until the revised ELS standards come into effect by April 2025. We are focusing on improving the applicant experience and will provide more specific information about when the standard will come into effect in early 2025.

Read the news item for further information about the updates to the ELS standard and what you need to know about any changes before they come into effect.

From 1 July 2015, new registration standards for English language skills will come into effect. These new standards apply to all applicants for initial registration, regardless of whether they qualified in Australia or oversaes.

Document name PDF  Accessible format  Date of effect
English language skills registration standard  PDF 
Word version 
1 July 2015 


Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
FAQ - find out more about the standards PDF
Web page August 2015

Do you meet the English language standards skills?

The new standard introduces additional pathways for applicants to demonstrate evidence of their English language skills. Diagrams of how these work are included in the English language skills pathways document listed below.

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
English language skills pathway  PDF
Word version
(569 KB,DOCX)
July 2015
How to provide evidence of your English language skill PDF
Word version
August 2015

Approved English language test providers

If you are required to sit an English language test, please refer to either of the following approved provider's websites for more information:

Consultation process for the English language skills standard

These new standards were developed after a review of the existing standards, which included a public consultation. The consultation report provides a summary of responses, rationale for any changes and sets out the proposed way forward, including areas where further work in planned. The report, as well as the letter from Ministerial Council approving the new standards is available on the AHPRA website.

Retired standard

Document name PDF Date of effect
English language skills registration standard PDF (382KB) 1 July 2010
Page reviewed 13/12/2024