Pharmacy Board of Australia - Pharmacist Capability and Assessment Framework to be developed
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Pharmacist Capability and Assessment Framework to be developed

20 Dec 2024

The Pharmacy Board of Australia (the Board) will fund the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) to develop a Pharmacist Capability Framework and a corresponding Assessment Framework, alongside the next iteration of the Accreditation Standards for Pharmacy Programs.

The Board’s Pharmacist Capability Framework will describe the baseline level capabilities of a newly registered pharmacist who is adaptable to future practice change. The Assessment Framework will set out how future pharmacists will demonstrate their achievement against the Pharmacist Capability Framework.

To be registered as pharmacists by the Board under the National Law , qualified applicants must meet supervised practice requirements and complete examinations for general registration, as set out in the Board’s Registration standards.

Pharmacists must then meet other requirements to renew registration annually such as completing a minimum period of practice and continuing professional development.

Together, the Pharmacist Capability Framework and the Assessment Framework will support the Board’s registration functions and the APC’s accreditation functions, by:

  • underpinning the next version of the accreditation standards developed by APC to accredit pharmacy programs that lead to qualifications suitable for registration in the pharmacy profession
  • supporting the initial training, assessment and registration of pharmacists who qualified in Australia or overseas. The Frameworks will also outline the expected minimum requirement for performance at entry to the profession and at re-entry, after a period of absence from practice.

The Pharmacist Capability Framework and the Assessment Framework can be reviewed and updated as required by the Board to ensure that pharmacist capabilities remain fit for purpose and support the effective delivery of the accreditation and registration functions by APC and the Board.

Following initial general registration, pharmacists need to describe their individual scope of practice and be able to identify and maintain the specific knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required to practice to the expected professional practice standards. The reference point for this will continue to be the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia (the National Competency Standards Framework) published by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), as well as professional practice standards.

The National Competency Standards Framework will continue to support pharmacists to identify and complete the continuing professional development that is required to enable them to renew their registration annually, as well as supporting them to achieve the highest level of professional practice and to advance their scope of practice and careers.

The future application of the new Pharmacist Capability Framework at the point of registration and the National Competency Standards Framework after registration is illustrated below.

Pharmacy capability framework illustration

APC will begin developing the Pharmacist Capability Framework and the Assessment Framework in early 2025, including wide-ranging consultation with stakeholders, the public and the profession. APC will then commence consultation on the next version of the accreditation standards for pharmacy programs.

A suitable transition period will be provided before implementation. This means that the accreditation of pharmacy programs and the initial training, assessment and registration of pharmacists who qualified in Australia or overseas will continue to be supported by the existing standards until the new frameworks are implemented.

Further information about the development of the Pharmacist Capability Framework and the Assessment Framework will be available from APC in the new year, with further updates provided throughout 2025.

Page reviewed 20/12/2024