Pharmacy Board of Australia - Pharmacy Board of Australia and AHPRA remember former Board Chair
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Pharmacy Board of Australia and AHPRA remember former Board Chair

07 Mar 2019

The passing of Stephen Marty, the inaugural Chair of the Pharmacy Board of Australia (the Board), is acknowledged with sadness by the Board and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Steve, as everyone knew him, was an experienced and hard-working regulator who held many roles in pharmacy regulation. He was Registrar of the Victorian Pharmacy Board before the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) which saw his appointment as the inaugural Chair of the Pharmacy Board of Australia in 2009, a position he held until his retirement in 2015.

Current Board Chair Brett Simmonds said Steve made a huge contribution to the establishment and leadership of the new Pharmacy Board and to the work of the National Scheme more widely.

‘He was passionate about the pharmacy profession and about enabling pharmacists to provide quality services for the benefit of the community,’ Brett said.

AHPRA CEO Martin Fletcher said Steve was an enthusiastic contributor who made the most of any opportunity to support a better pharmacy profession or regulatory system.

‘His willingness to share his expertise and knowledge within AHPRA and with every part of the pharmacy profession was well-known and respected,’ Martin said.

When not talking to first-year pharmacy students or engaging with pharmacy stakeholders, Steve found other ways to reach people, including by being a regular contributor of articles and opinion columns to many profession-specific publications.

Board members and AHPRA staff will remember Steve as a humble and hardworking man and extend their deepest sympathies to his family.

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Page reviewed 7/03/2019